The Ocean Cleanup

Why we have to.
During our travels around the world, we were shocked by the dirty beaches and garbage in the ocean. We traveled for 2,5 years non-stop, the period in which Chibuntu was born. Not only the minimal simple bracelets, but also the idea to make sure those bracelets make a bigger impact than just looking good.
They should be a daily reminder for you to chase your dreams & live your epic life. But they should also give back, as the real deal guys have helping in his DNA.
While surfing & swimming we were surrounded by tens of empty bottles floating around. Plastic straws glued together with chewing gum.
Diving a bit more into it we found out that there are more than 5 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean. If we don't do something about it today it will massively influence our ecosystem tomorrow. It is also destroying the beauty that the ocean has to offer. We love the ocean, the smell, the lifestyle.
At the same beaches, we've traveled we also met several inspiring entrepreneurs that build amazing Social Enterprises, making money while doing good. It was like a lightbulb lighting up. We decided to have an impact too. Maybe still small right now, but with the first step and a lot of dedication we believe we can have a big impact in the future!
Join the Chibuntu Club in doing so!
How we will help.
Great to have the ambition to help, but how? What can we do, except for physically helping out on the beaches?
Our search continued and we came across an amazing project, the Ocean Cleanup Project. It inspired us so much; the technology, the philosophy, the vision and goal they have. Together with a source reduction on land, they would love to create a plastic-free ocean in 2050. That is quite the ambition, but we believe they can do it.
So we started the social impact of Chibuntu by donating to the Ocean Cleanup project.
In 2019 we donated €1.103, which was more than the 10%, but hey, we value helping others. It's is a big part of our personal motivation.
Depending on what you, the Chibuntu Club, decides, we'll be donating more to Ocean Charities in the future. Maybe not this project, but maybe others. All to be decided by you, if you're part of the Chibuntu Club that is so get your goodies today!
Please check out the video so you learn more about this amazing project called The Ocean Cleanup.
For an overview of our Charity approach read about it here.
Surf's up!